Monday 17 August 2020

What food would I like gigantic?..

Hello everyone. I would like a gigantic chocolate muffin. I would really like it if the chocolate was melted and one Quistion for you guys what food you would you like gigantic.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ...Bye everyone...


  1. Hi Shivish, this is a beautiful gigantic chocolate muffin that looks so delicious. Thank you for continuing to share your work on your blog.

    As for me, I would like a gigantic Passionfruit and Mango cake.

  2. KIA ORA Shivish. My name is Neena and I am in room 24. I like your gigantic chocolate chip muffin it looks delicious! The food I would like to make gigantic would be a donut.
    Why do you like chocolate chips muffins so much?
    Blog you later


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