Monday 10 June 2019

cross country

This morning, my brother dropped me of  to school and it was cross country and it was my most favourite thing do at school. First we started the day with Pb4L then at 9;15 am we started to go to the Hall steps but it started to rain so Miss Green asked us to go in the hall then she told us what we should do then for a little bit, the rain started to stop. Miss Green said to us that the rain has stop, let's go outside now to start cross country. The year 6 boys went off then it was the year 6 girls then they went off then it was our year group. I started with a jog for a little bit then I got to the park and it took me 6 minutes to finish around the park then I ran up the hill then the stairs and there was a whole group behind me. I caught up with the group and we ran up the steps. I ran in front of the group and got to the finishing line before them and then I walked to sit on the hall steps. I was so dehydrated and tired then I looked over and saw Titan and Asvan.