Friday 22 November 2019

Monday 18 November 2019

Thursday 14 November 2019

Day 3: The start of a new journey

A saturday morning a mum and dad turtle there baby was about to hatch they say his pretty face not really mum and dad went to get food for the baby he wanted to follow then but he couldn't escape from the egg he tried the jump so he can fly out of the egg but it did not budge after an hour mum and dad came back they went to the egg it was empty they looked light and right then they heard a noise they looked behind then he was there its epic journey was only beginning 

Wednesday 13 November 2019

W5 D2: The Time Traveller!

There was a time traveler his name was Jack he was a smart man he has been time traveling for 25 years he has been trying to get his son back he was in a fire in a building if it was days for his time traveling it will be 8900 days jack is going to do it again 3 2 1 boom!!! He was back at his son's house he went through the fire in the house then he saw his son than he said to him follow me there was a window they went out the window glass went in Jack's arm but then they time traveled to the present and he siad to his some that the clock was the key to evrything,the key to moving through time and space!

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Splash! A man was diving he saw so many fish he was starting to fall down for some reason he fell on something he felt some type of fish its skin was smooth he looked behind him he saw a gigantic fish he first was thinking it was a whale 1 minute later he new it was a megamouth he went of the beast and went to his boat.